Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Where Have All the Leaders Gone?

Yesterday's defeat of Joe Lieberman in the Connecticut Senate Primary will be seen as evidence that opposition to the war in Iraq will be a winning strategy in American politics. In some areas it may.

But, if so, are these politicians really serving America or themselves?

The last century saw the rise of two evil ideologies that proclaimed superiority as the final and highest manifestation of the human condition. Anything that interfered with their inevitable conquest of the world was to be crushed without mercy. Anything that furthered their goals was, by definition, good--no matter how brutal and vicious it might be.

Nazi Germany and the various communist regimes, led by the Soviet Union, used their ideologies to justify the wanton killing of more than 100 million innocent people in the last century.

Their ranks have been joined by a third ideology, masking itself as a religion, that contains the same belief structure and rationalizations that foresee ultimate world domination. It is radical Islam. Like its predecessors, these true believers do not feel the slightest remorse or empathy as they murder any who would stand in their way.

They have picked the US as their primary target and shown a willingness and capability to bring killing of innocents to our shores. They are not interested in compromise. For, compromise would require them to abandon their belief structure. They will be stopped only with defeat.

Heaven only knows that we have made many mistakes in our efforts to combat terror in the Middle East. But, mistakes made in the fight do no invalidate the nature of the threat.

True political leaders appeal to the best of our natures and trust us with information on the world as it is. Those who are only in the game for what they can get personally pander to our fears.

So, as you listen to the politicians as we approach the fall elections, ask yourself this, are you hearing the words of a leader, or a panderer?

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